Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Information Ecology - Week 2

Once upon a time, there was no such thing as Internet dating, Online Blogshops, Mobile Banking. But today, all these terms have become such a part of our daily lives that trying to define it would almost be impossible. Nowadays, virtually, all human actions rely, in varying degrees on digital information networks. Information Ecology is the studies of this environment, and basically does a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats) analysis to better understand this "2nd nature of ours".

The major components of this environment is intangible flows of information transfer produced and processed through media and accessibility to available information and communication. Such complex functions has their inter-connectors and they are known as nodes & flows.

Nodes: They're job is to process and direct information to wherever they have to go. I would say they're like the one of the many fortress/watch towers on the great wall of China. All these "stations" are connected by Flows, are the line or passage where information has to go through to get to the nodes.

For example, the icons can be considered as nodes, and the lines connected them are flows!

With these nodes and flows, they stabilize a substantial amount of information and communication and enables continuity and reliability. Of course, such an amazing structure did not come about by random chance, it was build and developed with lots of planning.

Here are the 4 key dimensions of the Information Ecology that we know of today.

1) Interdependency

The most vital thing about the ecological environment is its connectivity. All the nodes are similar, and are all united in this big mutual living environment. To help them connect, they use information. It is not however, the main objective as their are secondary/complement to the relevancy of their environment. What makes them same same but different is they work according to the local flavor. Like Bubur Ayam McD is not found in any other McDonald's worldwide... it is relevant to the people here in Malaysia.

2) Change

One thing about nodes and flows are because it is digital and virtual, it is easily influenced, edited and malleable. It gives births to improvements and even drastic changes. This does not mean however, that change disrupts whatever that has been build. It is the nature of this egolocial environment to be constantly changing. These changes are merely for adaption purposes, and not for optimization. It's keeping up with times, and seeing how well it goes. Again, will be using Mcdonald's is their introduction of free refills and Wi-Fi in their stores. Its a different concept, and it is to help them test whether it helps attract more customers.

3) Time-Boundness

To sustain the stability, reliability and efficiency of this environment, it has be updated and fast with its information flow. You snooze, you lose! Being timely, is important depending on the usage of the information you gain. For a stock broker, he has to have minute-to-minute update and data, anything more than 30 minutes is outdated; whilst the news agency who runs daily newspaper can use it as valid news. The Apple Pie in Mcdonald's has only a shelf life of 15 minutes, and anything after is considered as spoilt, and unable to eat.

4) Differentiation

Flows and nodes exist as long as they are making a difference through production of information for others to use. To survive in this environment, one has to have different functions and capability and it does not reply of collective cooperation. The similar differences will come together, and form a network that helps understand and help improve it. With different functions, it makes things less complicated and messy. This gives births to new flows, the flow of the flows and the maintenance of the existing. If all Mcdonalds were run under one big boss, say all the outlets in M'sia (over hundreds) cannot possibly be giving optimum results. Therefore are are split into branches and overlooked by different managers.

I can't help to think these 4 points are also key points to help a family function. These 4 functions go hand in hand, and together they are strong. They have the same focus, but have their own tasks and responsibilities to enable the structure to always be updated and susceptible to change :) They are an important aspect of our lives, and almost impossible to live without!

Week 2: Open Cultures and the Nature of Networks. "Information Ecology" (pg 62-66) Stadler, F. <>

1 comment:

  1. Hey Su Juin

    Funny that you used McD as the example but it works and i like it. And yes these 4 functions definitely goes hand in hand very well together and they can very much be related to us as well, we are all dependent on something (internet), we all change according to trend (friendster to facebook), and if we don't conform to it we would be left out and feel outdated but even if we do all those 3 functions we are ultimately still different from one another with different personalities and qualities.
