Friday, August 12, 2011

Networks & Societies

Reading the article Why Networks Matter by Manuel Castells, one begins to ponder about the beginning and marvel at the wonders that networks is. Networks, who used to be and still are the organization of many social entities have improved and moved forward tremendously with the age of information and communication. What used to be a time lapse is forever an issue of the past - as today the world is constantly progressing and updating itself with the newest of technology.

In this article, there are a few main points that has been highlighted.

He says that networks are global. It is boundless, has the ability to interconnect with various organizations and is constantly diminishing the borders of what we call - the old world. With this, although not every human being has the opportunity to be in the global network - it has already influence and set new path ways for many nation and corporations. It has, in short structured a new way of living around the world, and we are all somehow, influenced by this sort of globalization.

With networks, it is simply out with the old and in with the new. Failure to upkeep and stay updated will cause the downfall of what used to be successful dictatorship and absolute monopoly. To be updated is to be more flexible in today's world. We have learned to live life in less rigid terms and are more open to change and various opportunities. To be successful and keep above the water - big associations and organizations must work together with its smaller parts, and always allow room for change, room for cooperation and room for healthy competition.

To be a sufficing network, one has to cooperate, consult and work together to find solutions. The ideals and ways of the world we once knew can no longer feed us and provide us. We must come together and make decisions, and not lived under one idealistic ruler with their own greed and gain.

With the internet, everyone can be involved in the restructuring of a new world order. We live in a world that has ample of opportunity, information and we have the means to communicate. Our worlds are opened up to exposure and new experiences. With networks, we can rebuild this world - and reckon we are all at a stage where we can contribute to a better network and world.

With networks, we are no longer separate entities living for sole survival. We all are part of a big contribution towards the advancement of these networks and we are free to use it for our own uses and according to our own values and stands. However, we must integrate the vastness of the goodness that comes with networks and shared experiences and define them. Our world is the space and time we live in (networks) and they are the material world of our mind and representations.

Finally, the mystical force that powers the world we live in today is located in the networks that structure society. It is the connectors/disconnectors that gives rise to power and ability. They matter because they are the underlying structure of our world that we live in today. We must understand the basics of the working or cease to fully understand their true potential. If we don't understand our own "networks", we will forever just "adapt" and follow", not understanding the potentials that it has for the betterment of our world and the big bright future.

What do you think? To simply follow or to push forward in the understanding of the world that we have lived in, living in and will forever live in? What will happen if we simply just follow the flow, or push the boundaries of what we know? What can happen, will we be victorious or will we be in danger?


  1. Hey Su Juin. In response to your question, I can totally see the potential of global networks, as a huge power/force in today's society, to be misused in other unwanted or unnecessary situations. People today tend to think too much of the greatness of the networks, which of course, had provided lots of benefits for the society in terms of education, business, and so forth. But in my opinion, due to the fact that we are so use to staying in the networks of network, we tend to forget that we ARE in a network. A bit brain-wrecking, aiks. But my point here is, there are always two sides of everything - the positive, and the negative. And the potential threat that the networks possess is definitely something to look out for by individuals today so that they can be prepared by any unwanted chaos that might occur in the near future. Prevention is always better than cure.

    Great piece, by the way :)

  2. That was a fast post haha.. I like your interpretation of the journal. I agree on the part where we have to understand the basic of the workings and that we should not just adapt and follow. One has so much potential then to just mindlessly follow only.

  3. OLA! :D

    I think as part of the consumers of the network, we should not just stay in a corner and soak up all the wonders of network. It's all about give and take, this is what I feel.

    We take the resources of network but we contribute back as well. To do this, we can always start by understanding the logics of networks. Understanding the concept, the nature, the situation and then start brainstorming for a better future for networks.

    Think about this, if everyone of us just stay rooted and not taking action to understand networks then there's no point b/c there won't be any further innovations, no development, just being at is it. & that's alarming b/c if no one takes any action, the standards of networks will drop in someways & by then, no point crying over spilled milk.

    I think we studying Global Networks is a great starts. Hopefully we'll be the ones contributing to a brighter future for networks to be enjoyed by everyone!

