Friday, August 19, 2011

Cyberspace Wants Their Own Space

When I went through the article "A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace" I was quite moved. It was real, it was exciting, there was danger and almost every element provided in an action thriller movie. The internet is such an amazing and wonderful thing!

From what I gathered from the article - the reality and the virtual is at some sort of war. The non-virtual world is hungry for power, is greedy for profit and unaware how much danger they're putting the two worlds in. We have social entities that are in grave danger, yet march on with our own madness. We do not seek to find the solutions in our own problems, but we think by showing our power and being a bully to a perfect and peaceful world that is cyberspace, thinking that our solutions lie out there somewhere instead of ourselves.

The article, from what I understand says that it is willing to help us if we didn't just simply gate-crash the party and try to be the boss. The virtual world has solutions to offer, but we must take the initiative and humble ourselves to work in accordance to their success. I believe that for anything great to happen and to last, one has to start from the grassroot level. Like a mighty tree can only withstand bad times with a foundation and roots set deep.

For our world to prosper and their world to remain in peace - we can adaAdd Imagept some of their ideas and make it work our own way. No peace can ever be attained by calling war, even if for the best of motives. We must first respect the beauty of cyberspace and not act for personal gain.

Here are the 5 points that make cyberspace thick, and we must always keep it that way! :) Here goes!

1. No Big Boss That Hides and Only Appears When He Wants You Terminated (No Central Authority)

In short, there is no higher power that monopolizes everything that happens in the cyberworld. We are free to do whatever we fancy, and remember, not to be overboard!

"We are creating a world that may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force... or station of birth."
2. Two plus Two is Four and That's Not The Only Way To Do It (Different rules, Different Way of Doing Things)

The point here is to say that in the cyberworld, there isn't such thing as fixed rules or a uniform code. There isn't one way to just doing things, and this must be remembered at all times for things to go on smoothly and without force.

"Your legal concepts of property, expression, identity, movement, and context do not apply to us. They are all based on matter, and there is no matter here."
3. A New Place, a new way of Living and Dealing with Things (Internet Culture)

With internet being more that just a tool for communication and information, it has become a whole new network that is digital and virtual. With that being said, the way we approach this is a whole new thing and cannot be interpreted as what we are used to in our non-virtual world.

"We are forming our own Social Contract. This governance will arise according to the conditions of our world, not yours. Our world is different."
4. The Individual, The Institution & The Community (Transactions & Relationships)

Despite our vast differences, we are interconnected, if not directly connected like in any networks. We no longer are faced the the limitations of physical space and distance anymore. As long as you have access to internet, the whole world is your friend. It's a connector that starts from now and ends at never :)

"Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. Ours is a world that is both everywhere and nowhere but it is not where bodies live."
5. What you see is not necessarily what you get (Virtual Identity)

With everything done online and digitally, one can easily be mistaken by perception from off the screen and what is really, real. It has the ability for you to be a completely new person, or a better improved version of yourself and no one will ever truly know it except you. It's a persona that doesn't allow room for discrimination and prejudice.

"We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity".

Fascinating thing this Internet, isn't it? It's so unique and definitely one of its kind to deserve its own set of rules and guidelines! With all 5 points mentioned above, it has improved our lives someway or another. It has opened up our eyes to new things and allowed us to contribute to the world we live in. It's a beautiful place of opportunities that never cease to stop until it crashes down. Sadly, the boundless blessing that is internet is constantly under threat of those who seek for more than they ever need.

It is up to us, no matter how big, or small a consumer of the cyberspace to make sure that we play our part in preserving the internet that we know it today. We also must remember to give back what we have taken, and that is we must always contribute in our own ways for the peace and protection of the cyberspace - where limitless opportunity and improvement await.


  1. Hi Su Juin! :)

    I agree wholeheartedly with your statement on the Internet has "opened up our eyes to new things and allowed us to contribute to the world we live in". We are always taking things from the Internet and demanding for more information to be obtained from the Internet to get our work done. We never really thought of contributing to the Internet and making it a better & cleaner place that will benefit most. Your writing makes me think!

    Internet is like a huge environment. Just like our own world, our own environment, we are always trying to stop more pollution on the Earth in order to ensure that the Earth's lifespan will be lengthened. Internet should be the same. If we do not preserve the Internet, one day, it will be polluted with lots of unwanted materials and something as valuable as the Internet will be destroyed and contaminated before we know it.

    Enjoyed reading your writing :)

  2. "We also must remember to give back what we have taken, and that is we must always contribute in our own ways for the peace and protection of the cyberspace - where limitless opportunity and improvement await."

    It is true that in any situation we always have to give and take. What we've enjoyed, surely we have to sustain the resources for the future. Not doing anything to maintain the glory of Cyberspace will end in a ditry waste of hyperreality world.

    It's kinda like the extinction of exotic animals isn't it?

    We've seen the wonders & magic the Cyberworld has to offer to us. We love the perks of it, we live for it. But what is one day, everything just disappears? Will we be able to even live since we're so attached to Cyberspace?

    This is a good issue that you've highlighten, Su Juin! It raises awareness that we should start taking measure to ensure Cyberspace carries on swiftly into the next generations to come!

    & btw, HELLO! :DD

  3. After reading your blog it makes me thing waht will happen in the future if we do not preserve the cyberspace.I think we need to share the responsibility to preserve the cyberspace for our children, grand children and great-grand children and so on.Therefore we should not misuse the cyberspace nor contribute to cyber crime.Yet in a very short amount of time, we have also grown dependent on digital networks, therefor i dont think anyone can live without it.Example i cant imagine a life without my hanphone or internet connection!!!
