Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Twitter Revolution

When blogs first came out, many shrugged of its function. It was to write even shorter articles, journals etc as compared to the good ol' newspaper. Blogs today, continue to be a big hit, and many have gained so much more than just a little virtual place to pen your thoughts.

When twitter came out, technology experts ridiculed at its function, and how it only allowed 140 characters per tweet. Instead of limiting the user's thoughts into just a sentence or two, it had managed to create "ambient awareness", short, almost mundane updates from your circle of friends. It became a phenomenon, and it has, become a way of life.

Here are some of the things that make's Twitter a very proud function in our daily lives.

News & Opinion

Twitter has allowed its readers a quick glimpse into what is happening. As opposed to being a know-it-all, I believe twitter has made us better citizens as we are unawarely being stocked up with general knowledge and broadening our minds to the various kind of information there is out there.

We are also thought to share and give our thoughts on various topics. It has become a sort of an interactive newspaper!

Advertising & Marketing

Every once in a while, on the list of trending topics, some would be placed with the words 'promoted'. Twitter has paved the way for advertisers and sponsors to capture their market better. With twitter, advertisers would not have to try so hard and desperately catch your attention through the throngs of influences and distractions the media world offers.

Major businesses have a huge following, and are able to share and advertise their products, as well as maintain the interest of the ever changing market, keep them happy and engage them in service and good business contact.


Once upon a time, we would check the traffic news update through the radio. Nowadays, there are specially twitter accounts meant just for the updates and live feed on the KL traffic. From there, followers are able to know what is going on, as well as share the situation on the road. Twitter has also given awareness campaign a good run, engaging its users in meaningful daily conversations and allow people to know their friends or those in their cycle a little better.

Twitter is an amazing tool. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to imagine when I first introduced in Twitter. It's very hard for me to squeeze in 140 character just to describe somethings. But eventually Twitter makes me know how to cut short the sentences. And it's very easy to use! Not only Twitter, I think the others social media had also an amazing tools as well as they are changing the way our communicate unconsciously. And we are just top trapped in this trend.
