Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Smart Phone Superwar

I think the third world war - although unofficial, is between the two world's biggest smart phone operating systems: Apple Vs Google.

It is not unheard of when you hear a snippet of a conversation that goes like this: "I'm a big apple fan" and "Totally Anti-apple!" It could go on and on, and I myself have nothing to say as I dislike labels and being too extreme.

This is by far the most interesting week in lectures ever, and I find it uncanny that iOS and Android share many similarities with economic systems.

iOS would obviously take after Communism, while Android would be a Mixed Economy system.

iOS - Why is it like a communist economy?

1. Everything is internal.
2. Do not like sharing stuff.
3. Apple controls everything.
4. I don't care about everyone else who does not profit from my technology.

Android - Why is it like a mixed economy?

1. We share and we control.
2. We are for the welfare of the consumers, and profits for the company.
3. We're common, and we have a moral conscience.
4. Everyone gets a share of goodness.

Many debates go on about how stingy Apple is with their technology - but I disagree. For one, they have managed to revolutionize the phone to what it is today. To share and to break its market share is to allow quality control to disintegrate. Sometimes it is difficult to be perceived as the "evil" one, but one has to credit Apple for the products we enjoy today. As for android, I believe that it is amazing that it offers so many functions and chances to those who cannot/don't want to purchase the apple technology. It has given people the chance to own a smartphone, and to be accessible to the internet on the go. With its close competition to Apple, it has grown and improved so much to be in sync and in line with its competitor.

This is what makes it so interesting. The fight to be the best. As for implications - the war of google and apple can go on forever, but let us not forget its core function: to connect. Not to create warfare. Either apple and google - they have contribute to technology so much that any argument is almost invalid.

1 comment:

  1. Nice said. Everyone wants is to be connected. For an Apple users, I think that Apple had the advantage on putting their consumer as the priority which makes the users feel like they are more protected and the Apple's product is belongs to them. Meanwhile, Android also taking the advantage of sharing the information and apps while are more common to the public. But, come to think deeply, we can said that actually smart phone are only to give us the entertainment, convenience and what's more is the connection.
