Friday, September 9, 2011

Intellectual Property: Society's Current Dilemma

The issue of Intellectual Property is contemporary. What is Intellectual Property? It is the creation, production of individuals like film, music, movies, technology. Today, the world is facing the problem of war between the right to free information and copyright infringement.

Many of us, if not all are part of a big culture that downloads free or rather "illegal" stuff from the internet. We do so not because we don't support the livelihood of the particular producer, author, musician or actor - but because their new ideas are costly and almost unattainable. I think both sides know that we cannot go to either extremes - one of ruthless freeloaders and one of overbearing monopoly.

I feel this co-existance can be real, and can be improved - from efforts from both ends, and a respect to new ideas and the hardwork of the producer/inventors and consumers itself.

But first, we have to understand the differences between copyright, patents & trademarks.

1) Trademarks is the identifier of the providers of goods, services or ideas.

2) Patents is one of the two intellectual property. Patents apply to specific implementation of ideas. Generally short-termed and non permanant. Provide wide coverage protection.

3) Copyright is the second of the two intellectual property. Copyrights only protect the specific details of a particular narrative. They are longer-termed than patents.

The patent, which is the right to buy and sell copies of ideas and copyright law, the right to control how other people make use of these copies. The issue of the owner being able to control over their content after sale is controversial. To put it in Mr Faizal's terms - it's like writing a document on Microsoft Word and the owner is not you, but Microsoft. The rights of the owners are over-emphasized, while the consumers have very little ownership over their purchase.

What would the world be without this monopoly of intellectual property? Will information be like charity, and the hardwork of these producers thrown out the window like charity? Or will there be a stop to the innovation and new flow of ideas, that help not only our economies but improve our technology? Will we be a society that just takes, and not give in any sort of way?

I agree copyrights and patents are limiting but they serve to protect the work of others. We should respect them for the order of the world of invention might fall and never see the light again. I like new inventions, new form of ideas - and I cannot see this monopoly as evil. Limiting yes, but evil? That's a bit harsh. I feel we always think that enforcement are bad, but the truth is - its difficult work to sustain what is true, of value and worthy of protection.

What do you think?

Based on the article: Boldrin & Levine: Against Intellectual Monopoly <>


  1. Hi Su Juin :)

    I agree that copyrights and patents are necessary in protecting the work of others. And I agree with your point on the fact that we download and obtain materials 'illegally' "because their new ideas are costly and almost unattainable." I still remember how I save my money for weeks just to buy that favorite album/book I wanted! But today, everything seems to be obtainable so easily. Just type into the search bar, and click to download. All these can be obtained without a single sen spent. A bit defeating the purpose of being passionate, isn't it?

    For this matter, I would suggest that the company should produce materials that are both affordable and valuable for the individuals to have the chance to obtain original materials of what they love. I think that you had highlighted an important point on the cause of individuals to obtain materials 'illegally'. And I personally think that companies should address to this problem and figure out a solution to control the copyright issues today.

    Have a good weekend! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hi, su jiun , i agree that there are pros and cons in between the intellectual property right as the right need to protect for different target. intellectual property use to protect original work but there is the law for preventing the original owner too aboard on the pricing for their pieces that can't accept by the consumer...but I think that the production for the new creative idea won't stop as there still have many authors love to share their ideas and not concerning or stopping by the intellectual property's problem.

    have a nice weekend...

  4. I agree with you that "We download illegally not because we don't support the livelihood of the particular producer, author, musician or actor - but because their new ideas are costly and almost unattainable."

    I really like a Korean band, TVXQ but then i never buy any of their album. It is because they come out with too many albums and their albums are very expensive but the most important reason is that i can easily download their song for free thru internet. With this,i don't need to spend a cent and can have their song in my pc, laptop, mp3 and even phone easily. We can download it illegally and can even make copies of it. Even though we knew it was wrong, but we still doing it right? We are the worse right? I guess if I can't download it easily online, I will have save money and buy the albums. What about you? =)

  5. Hey Su Juin! I agree with you on one point alot which is the reason people use the internet to download free things is mostly because of the original products are too costly in the market and forcing people to attain these particular items through illegal actions. However, as you mention we have to respect the works of the original owners but again is just too expensive sometimes just to purchase an original movie for example in CD shops. Thus as you mention on another point I agree on alot as well, which is this situation can be improved to enable more people to support the original products given a lot cooperation is done between huge companies, goverment perhaps and also of course the consumers most importantly even better any parties which could step in that can play a major role in supporting this original products so people can afford and purchase them rather than having the trouble of going to the internet and downloading it illegally. Great point SJ!

  6. Hey there,
    I think the reason why they like to use the internet to download because the music or article is to pricey and they cant afford to purchase it. therefore they try to find loop hole to get the end product.And i would say if the original products are affordable surely we piracy will stop.

  7. Hey Su Juin

    The thought of the overprice price tag just makes people opt for other options in order to get what they want, and that could be found in the form of the internet.

    I agree these laws done more good than bad, if these laws were never implemented we probably be stuck with copies of the same thing. In fact, i'm not even sure if humanity could move forward if these laws never existed. These laws actually prompts people to be more innovative and creative so it does more good in my opinion.
